An effective marketing strategy and a great website come hand in hand. After all, your website is your first interaction with the customers. It will be the center of every online activity that you will do. It will either increase or lessen your profit. And most importantly, it is where you can make or break the user’s impression with your brand.
Here in Viram Labs, we design websites that help you generate the most conversions. And how do we do it? Simple. By giving your brand a website that is attractive, responsive and most of all, user-friendly.
Our Viram Labs web design services can build a design for almost every industry you can think of. Ever since we’ve started in this business, we have dealt with clients in various industries that offer different products and services. Here’s a full list of idustries that we serve.
We believe that every business like yours has a different set of needs, target market and products/ services that need to be showcased in your website. That’s exactly why in every design we create, we make sure that it is tailored only for your brand.
Why Viram Labs for Web Design & Development
Our Process

Frequently Asked Questions
Working Together
How will you build a website that I like & fits my brand?
We will assess your needs and preferences in a website questionnaire. This is where you will be able to describe the type of website you want. You will also be able to provide us with examples of websites you like. We will use this information, and our own creativity, to build a website you’ll like.
How long will it take?
It normally takes us 30-45 days to complete a website once we have everything that we need to start the website.
What if I do not like the website?
Once the site is developed, we will send you a rough draft of the site. You will be able to compile a list of edits and we will make them for you. We will go through two full revisions of your website to make sure you are happy with what we deliver.
What platform will you build the website on?
We build all of our websites on WordPress. It is one of the best platforms to build a website on today. This is because it is packed with plugins and additional features that provide more customization than other platforms provide. It is also easy to maintain on your own.
How long will my website be down?
If you have an existing website, it will not be down until the new website is complete. The new website will be developed on a temporary URL. We will not make it live on your domain until it is complete.
If you do not have an existing website, we can put a “Coming Soon” page up on your website while we are developing it. We will build the website on a temporary URL. We will not make the website live until the website is complete.
Do you all maintain the website?
Yes, we can maintain your website. You can use us on an “as needed” basis or use our “unlimited” website maintenance plan. Our unlimited website maintenance plans include unlimited changes to your website, security, routine backups, and more. For more information on this, please contact us.
What We Need
What do you need to develop the website?
We would need access to your hosting account, domain name, logo files, and any content that would like to have on your website. Once we have this, we will design your website to your expectations.
What is website hosting?
Website hosting is the technology that makes websites accessible via the Internet. Without website hosting, users will not be able to view your website.
What is a domain?
The domain is the unique URL destination of your website
What company do you recommend for hosting and domains?
We recommend using or GoDaddy. They have shared hosting plans that cost about $60-$70 per year. It may also include a free domain.
Do you or I need to write the copy on my website?
It is your choice to write the copy on your website. In most cases, our clients will provide us with the copy or an outline of what they would like. However, for an additional fee, we can write the copy for your website.
Do I need to provide you with images for the website?
If you have images, we can incorporate them on your website. If not, we can use high-resolution stock images that reflect your brand.